Thank you for purchasing a pre-order item! To provide the best service to our valued customers, we have the following policy regarding the shipment of your pre-orders:
Standard Shipping: By default, all items within your pre-order will be shipped together. This means that if your order contains multiple items, they will all be held until the pre-sale items are ready to ship. If you require your non pre-order items earlier, we recommend making a separate order easy processing.
Ship By Date: The estimated ship by date for pre-order items is provided at the time of purchase. Please note that this date is an estimate and may be subject to change due to production or other logistical factors. We will keep you updated on any changes to the expected ship date.
Split Shipments Available: If you prefer to receive in-stock items sooner, we offer the option of split shipments for a small fee. To request a split shipment, please contact our customer support team at
Split Shipment Fee: A nominal fee will be applied for split shipments to cover additional shipping costs. Our customer support team will provide you with the details and process the payment for the split shipment.
International Orders: At this time we are unable to facilitate split shipping on International Orders due to the intricacies of customs.
Customer Support: If you have any questions or concerns about your pre-order or would like to request a split shipment, please contact our customer support team at We are here to help!
We appreciate your understanding and patience. Thank you for shopping with us!