From Re:amaze to Commslayer
Moving from Re:amaze to Commslayer is easy with our migration tool. Here's what you need to know:
What you can move
Our tool helps you bring over your:
- Ticket history
- Contacts
- Tags
- Agents
- Response templates
How to use the migration tool
1. Go to Settings in Commslayer
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page
3. Find the migration tool
Getting your Re:amaze API token
To use the migration tool, you need an API token from Re:amaze. Here's how to get it:
1. Go to Settings in your Re:amaze account
2. Click on "API Token" under the Developer section
3. Click "Generate New Token"
That's all you need to do to start your move to Commslayer.
Need help? Email if you have any questions or problems.
Welcome to Commslayer!