I ordered, What Now? 💳

By Philippe Hogue • Last updated on Feb 12, 2025

Alright, so you  bought a brand new Bandou (YAY good choice 😍)

We know sometimes online shopping can be confusing, that's why we created this article.

Here's everything you need to know from the time you order a brand new Bandou up until you receive it on your font door.

Step 1: We will send you a confirmation email with all your order informations. You will find your ordered items, shipping and billing address, etc.

*If you see an error with the ordered items (not the right character) contact us at Support@mybandou.com

**If you see a wrong address and it needs corrections, contact us at Support@mybandou.com

***Any edits to the order will trigger a notification email so you can stay put throughout the whole process.

Step 3: We will send a 2nd email about 24-48h later with your tracking information. You can click the provided link in the email to see where is your package. From there, the carriers handle the situation. You will receive an email notification for every shipping update along the way.

Step 4: The day of the delivery, you will receive an email saying that your order is out for delivery! That means it's on it's way. Get ready, it will arrive soon! 🎉

Step 5: Once delivered, you will receive a delivery confirmation email. If for any reasons, your order wasn't delivered that day, you will get a notification email for a 2nd attempt.

All that process takes around 2-6 business days for the US and 5-12 business days outside of the US.